ホーム » 研究成果




  1. Sung-Ho Cho, Miyuki Koshimura, Pinaki Mandal, Kentaro Yahiro, Makoto Yokoo, “Impossibility of weakly stable and strategy-proof mechanism”,Economics Letters, Vol217, 2022.
  2. Miyuki Koshimura, Emi Watanabe, Yuko Sakurai, Makoto Yokoo, “Concise integer linear programming formulation for clique partitioning problems.”, Constraints – An International Journal, 27(1-2): 99-115 (2022).
  3. Khoi D. Hoang, Ferdinando Fioretto, Ping Hou, William Yeoh, Makoto Yokoo, Roie Zivan, “Proactive Dynamic Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 74, 179-225, 2022.
  4. lan Nehama, Taiki Todo, Makoto Yokoo, “Manipulation-resistant false-name-proof facility location mechanisms for complex graphs”, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 36(12), 2022.
  5. Kentaro Yahiro, Yuzhe Zhang, Nathana ̈el Barrot, Makoto Yokoo, “Strategyproof and fair matching mechanism for ratio constraints”, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 34(23), 2020.
  6. Oskar Skibski, Tomasz P. Michalak, Yuko Sakurai, Michael J. Wooldridge, Makoto Yokoo, “Partition decision trees: representation for efficient computation of the Shapley value extended to games with externalities”. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 34(1), 11, 2020.
  7. Julien Savaux, Julien Vion, Sylvain Piechowiak, Ren ́e Mandiau, Toshihiro Matsui, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Makoto Yokoo, Shakre Elmane, Marius Silaghi, “Privacy stochastic games in distributed constraint reasoning”, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 88(7): 691-715, 2020.
  8. Oskar Skibski, Talal Rahwan, Tomasz P. Michalak, Makoto Yokoo, “Attachment centrality: Measure for connectivity in networks”, Artificial Intelligence, 274, 151-179, 2019.
  9. Anisse Ismaili, Naoto Hamada, Yuzhe Zhang, Takamasa Suzuki, Makoto Yokoo “Weighted Matching Markets with Budget Constraints”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 65, 393-421, 2019.
  10. Xiaojuan Liao, Miyuki Koshimura, Kazuki Nomoto, Suguru Ueda, Yuko Sakurai, Makoto Yokoo, “Improved WPM encoding for coalition structure generation under MC-nets”, Constraints, 24(1), 25-55, 2019.
  11. Etsushi Fujita, Julien Lesca, Akihisa Sonoda, Taiki Todo, Makoto Yokoo, “A Complexity Approach for Core-Selecting Exchange under Conditionally Lexicographic Preferences”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 63, 515–555, 2018.
  12. Fuhito Kojima, Akihisa Tamura, Makoto Yokoo, “Designing matching mechanisms under constraints: An approach from discrete convex analysis”, Journal of Economic Theory, 176, 803-833, 2018.
  13. Suguru Ueda, Atsushi Iwasaki, Vincent Conitzer, Naoki Ohta, Yuko Sakurai, Makoto Yokoo, “Coalition structure generation in cooperative games with compact representations”, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 32 (4): 503-533, 2018.
  14. Toshihiro Matsui, Hiroshi Matsuo, Marius Silaghi, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Makoto Yokoo “Leximin Asymmetric Multiple Objective Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem”, Computational Intelligence, 34 (1): 49-84, 2018.
  15. Toshihiro Matsui, Marius Silaghi, Tenda Okimoto, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Makoto Yokoo, Hiroshi Matsuo, “Leximin Multiple Objective DCOPs on Factor Graphs for Preferences of Agents”, Fundamenta Informaticae, 158 (1-3): 63-91, 2018. Special issue on “Trends in Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems”.
  16. Takamasa Ihara, Shunsuke Tsuruta, Taiki Todo, Yuko Sakurai, Makoto Yokoo “Strategy-proof Cake Cutting Mechanisms for All-or-nothing Utility”, Fundamenta Informaticae, 158, 41-61, 2018. Special issue on “Trends in Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems”.
  17. Naoto Hamada, Chia-Ling Hsu, Ryoji Kurata, Takamasa Suzuki, Suguru Ueda, Makoto Yokoo, “Strategy-proof School Choice Mechanisms with Minimum Quotas and Initial Endowments”, Artificial Intelligence Journal, 249, 47-71, 2017.
  18. Masahiro Goto, Fuhito Kojima, Ryoji Kurata, Akihisa Tamura, Makoto Yokoo “Designing Matching Mechanisms under General Distributional Constraints”, American Economic Journal : Microeconomics, 9 (2): 226-262, 2017.
  19. Oskar Skibski, Makoto Yokoo, “An Algorithm for the Myerson Value in Probabilistic Graphs with an Application to Weighted Voting”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 32 (1): 32-39, 2017.
  20. Ryoji Kurata, Naoto Hamada, Atsushi Iwasaki, Makoto Yokoo, “Controlled School Choice with Soft Bounds and Overlapping Types”, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, l.58, 153-184, 2017.
  21. Masahiro Goto, Atsushi Iwasaki, Yujiro Kawasaki, Ryoji Kurata, Yousuke Yasuda, Makoto Yokoo, “Strategyproof matching with regional minimum and maximum quotas”, Artificial Intelligence, 235, 40-57, 2016.
  22. Atsushi Iwasaki, Suguru Ueda, Naoyuki Hashimoto, Makoto Yokoo, “Finding core for coalition structure utilizing dual solution, Artificial Intelligence, 222, 49-66, 2015.
  23. Daniel E.Fragiadakis, Atsushi Iwasaki, Peter Troyan, Suguru Ueda, Makoto Yokoo, “Strategyproof Matching with Minimum Quotas”, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 4(1):6:1-6:40, 2015.
  24. Dong Hao, Xiaojuan Liao, Avishek Adhikari, Kouichi Sakurai, Makoto Yokoo, “A repeated game approach for analyzing the collusion on selective forwarding in multihop wireless networks,” Computer Communications, 35 (17), 2125-2137, 2012.
  25. Matthew E. Taylor, Manish Jain, Prateek Tandon, Makoto Yokoo, Milind Tambe, “Distributed on-Line Multi-Agent Optimization under Uncertainty: Balancing Exploration and Exploitation,” Advances in Complex Systems, 14 (3), 471-528, 2011.
  26. Emma Bowring, Milind Tambe, Makoto Yokoo, “Balancing local resources and global goals in multiply-constrained DCOP”, Journal of Multiagent and Grid Systems (MAGS), 6 (4), 353–393, 2010.
  27. Yuko Sakurai, Atsushi Iwasaki, Makoto Yokoo, “Keyword Auction Protocol for Dynamically Adjusting the Number of Advertisements”, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (WIAS), 6 (4): 331–341, 2010.
  28. Makoto Tasaki, Yuichi Yabu, Yuki Iwanari, Makoto Yokoo, Janusz Marecki, Pradeep Varakantham, Milind Tambe, “Introducing Communication in Dis-POMDPs with Locality of Interaction”, Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (WIAS), 8 (3): 303–311, 2010.


  1. 伊原 尚正,東藤 大樹,櫻井 祐子,横尾 真,“二値効用下でのケーキ分割問題”,人工知能学会論文誌, 32(5): AG16-E 1-9, 2017.
  2. 藤田 悦誌,岩﨑 敦,東藤 大樹,横尾 真,“VCG-equivalent in Expectation メカニズム”,コンピュータソフトウェア,31 (3), 156-167, 2014. 第 30 回電気通信普及財団賞テレコムシステム技術学生賞佳作
  3. 橋本 直幸,上田 俊,岩﨑 敦,安田 洋祐,横尾 真,“地域制約の下での戦略的操作不可能なマッチングメカニズム”,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J97-D No.8, 1336–1346, 2014.
  4. 沖本 天太,山本 将,櫻井 祐子,横尾 真,井上 克巳,“分散制約最適化問題:擬似木に基づくハイブリッド型の解法の提案”,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol J96-D No.12, 2920–2928, 2013.
  5. 沖本 天太,櫻井 祐子,横尾 真,井上 克巳,“多目的分散制約最適化問題における厳密/非厳密解法の提案”, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J96-D, No.12, 2929–2938, 2013.
  6. 櫻井 祐子,沖本 天太,横尾 真,“エージェント間に外部性が存在する場合の戦略的操作不可能な割当てメカニズムの提案”, 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J96-D, No.12, 2960–2969, 2013.
  7. ジョ ヨンジュン,岩﨑 敦,神取 道宏,小原 一郎,横尾 真,“部分観測可能マルコフ決定過程を用いた私的観測付き繰返しゲームにおける均衡分析プログラム”,情報処理学会論文誌,53 (11), 2445-2456, 2012.
  8. 毛利 貴之,杉町 勇和,東藤 大樹,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“自動メカニズムデザインを利用した組合せオークションのルール抽出アルゴリズムの提案”, 情報処理学会論文誌,53 (8), 2006-2017, 2012. 第 10 回情報科学技術フォーラム FIT-2011 船井ベストペーパー賞
  9. 沖本 天太,ジョ ヨンジュン,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“擬似木に基づく分散制約最適化問題の精度保証付き非厳密解法の提案”,情報処理学会論文誌,52 (12), 3786-3795, 2011.
  10. 沖本 天太,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“分散制約充足問題:特定の制約網に特化した変数順序付けヒューリスティックの提案”, 情報処理学会論文誌, 52 (11), 3018-3029, 2011.
  11. 東藤 大樹,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“’ 架空名義操作不可能な施設配置メカニズムの特徴付け”,情報処理学会論文誌, 52 (4), 1657-1666, 2011. 情報処理学会論文賞
  12. 馬場 里美,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“モンテカルロゲーム木探索に基づく限量記号付き制約充足問題の実時間解決”,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J94-D, No.11, 1729–1739, 2011.
  13. 上田 俊,北木 真,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“協力ゲームにおける特性関数のエージェントのタイプに基づく簡略表記法”,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J94-D, No.11, 1716–1728, 2011.
  14. 一村 良,長谷川 隆人,上田 俊,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“MC-nets を用いた提携構造形成アルゴリズムの拡張:負の利得と外部性の導入”,電子情報通信学会論文誌,Vol.J94-D, No.11, 1707–1715, 2011.
  15. 平山 勝敏,松井 俊浩,横尾 真,“分散ラグランジュ緩和プロトコルにおける適応的な価格更新”,人工知能学会論文誌,26 (1), 59–67, 2011.
  16. 東藤 大樹,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“収入単調性を満たすオークションメカニズムの特性及びその架空名義操作不可能性との関係”,人工知能学会論文誌, 26 (1), 86–96, 2011.
  17. 上田 俊,岩﨑 敦,横尾 真,“分散制約最適化問題に基づく提携構造形成問題”, 人工知能学会論文誌, 26(1), 179–189, 2011.
  18. 馬場 里美, 岩﨑 敦, 横尾 真, Marius C. Silaghi, 平山 勝敏, 松井 俊浩, “敵対者に対応する協調問題解決:限量記号付き分散制約充足問題”, 人工知能学会論文誌, 26 (1), 136–146, 2011.
  19. 桂木 敦史, 櫻井 祐子, 岩﨑 敦, 横尾 真, “第一価格入札における架空名義入札の影響の解析”, 人工知能学会論文誌, 26 (1), 199–207, 2011.
  20. 櫻井 祐子, 横尾 真, “予算制約を持つ入札者を対象とした再配分メカニズムの提案”, 人工知能学会論文誌, 26 (1), 217–227, 2011.
  21. 松井 俊浩, Marius C. Silaghi, 平山 勝敏, 横尾 真, 松尾 啓志, “分散制約最適化問題へのソフトアーク整合の適用”, 人工知能学会論文誌, 25, (3), 410–422, 2010.


  1. Sung-Ho Cho, Taiki Todo, Makoto Yokoo, “Two-Sided Matching over Social Networks”, Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2022), 186-193, 2022, Vienna, Austria.
  2. Bo You, Ludwig Dierks, Taiki Todo, Minming Li, Makoto Yokoo, “Strategy-Proof House Allocation with Existing Tenants over Social Networks”, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-2022), 1446-1454, 2022. Online.
  3. Hiromichi Goko, Ayumi Igarashi, Yasushi Kawase, Kazuhisa Makino, Hanna Sumita, Akihisa Tamura, Yu Yokoi, Makoto Yokoo, “Fair and Truthful Mechanism with Limited Subsidy”, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-2022), 534-542, 2022. Online.
  4. Ryoji Wada, Taiki Todo, Makoto Yokoo, “Lazy Gale-Shapley for Many-to-One Matching with Partial Information”, InProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT-2021), 390–405, 2021, Toulouse, France (Online)
  5. Zhaohong Sun, Taiki Todo, Makoto Yokoo, “New Algorithms for Japanese Residency Matching”, In Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2021), 412-418, 2021. Online (Montreal, Canada).
  6. Takehiro Kawasaki, Ryoji Wada, Taiki Todo, Makoto Yokoo, “Mechanism Design for Housing Markets over Social Networks”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-2021), 692–700, 2021. Online (London, United Kingdom).
  7. Taiki Todo, Nodoka Okada, Makoto Yokoo, “False-Name-Proof Facility Location on Discrete Structures”, In Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2020), 227-234, 2020, Online (Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
  8. Taiki Todo, Makoto Yokoo, “Split Manipulations in Cost Sharing of Minimum Cost Spanning Tree”, In Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2020), 219-226, 2020, Online (Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
